The Cherwell Local Plan 2040 is out for consultation until this<strong> Friday 3 November</strong>.
See: <a id=”LPlnk950354″ class=”x_OWAAutoLink” href=”https://www.cherwell.gov.uk/local-plan-review-2040″ target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>https://www.cherwell.gov.uk/local-plan-review-2040</a>
If you just have a few minutes, see the main part of NNGO’s response, where there are some clear bullet points that you could copy, put into your own words and send to:
<strong>E: Planningpolicyconsultation@cherwell-dc.gov.uk</strong>
In brief:
<li>The projected growth figures are still wildly exaggerated.</li>
<li>The housing figures are not based on the Government’s standard housing methodology.</li>
<li>There is no justification for Cherwell to accept Oxford’s inflated overspill. This would be better accommodated by making more efficient use of land within the City’s boundaries, including prioritising city centre sites for housing rather than employment.</li>
<li>Overall, the HENA conclusions on growth are not compatible with the Oxfordshire Strategic Vision which commits all our authorities to planning for ‘good growth’ that is both sustainable and inclusive.</li>
Please make your views known.