OxLEP publish revised draft of SEP

SEP-02OxLEP has published the revised version of the draft Strategic Economic Plan (SEP).

The latest draft is available via the OxLEP website.

There is also a version (linked from the above page) with tracked changes.

Need not Greed Oxon is currently considering the implications of these revisions and how we should respond, in particular what actions are needed to generate a robust challenge to local authorities as they go through this process.

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NNGO believe OxLEP has glossed over serious concerns raised by Local Authorities on the SEP Refresh

generic-news-2Need not Greed Oxfordshire has written to all local authority officers representated on the SEP Steering Group, expressing our concern that there are serious discrepancies between local authority responses to the consultation on the SEP Refresh and the OxLEP summary of responses.

Recent NNGO research, which compares local authority responses with the summary provided in the OxLEP Report on Responses, reveals that the reservations raised by local authorities in their responses on the SEP Refresh have not been fully reflected in OxLEP’s summary.

See: NNGO – Local authority responses to consultation on SEP refresh – an overview

We believe the OxLEP Report which summarises comments from local authorities, is not reflective of the detailed and often critical responses provided by local authorities. Indeed, we maintain that the OxLEP Report glosses over the many real concerns that local authorities have raised about the SEP refresh.Read more …

OxLEP revise their timetable for SEP Refresh in light of Brexit


The timetable for publishing the final SEP has been pushed back by several weeks in the light of Brexit, meaning SEP 2016 will now be signed and launched in October/November.

According to OxLEP this is to allow ‘more time to gather information and to gain an understanding’ from Government around plans for the European Structural Investment Fund allocation to Oxfordshire of 19.3 million Euros for the period 2014 to 2020.

These funds are directed towards supporting businesses and for skills and social inclusion activities and thus are an important element of OxLEP’s work in supporting the local economy.

See the revised SEP Timetable.

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900 homes proposed for Green Belt land north of Abingdon – have your say


Commercial Estates Group (CEG) are proposing to build around 900 homes, along with associated community amenities and public open space on Green Belt land to the north of Abingdon. The site is allocated for new homes in the Vale of White Horse Local Plan 2013 Part 1, which the Inspector has approved on the grounds that the Vale needs to meets its Objectively Assessed Housing Need, as spelt out in the Oxfordshire SHMA.

Members of the Need not Greed Oxon coalition fought hard against the inclusion of this allocated development site in the Vale Local Plan. We believe it is inappropriate development for the Oxford Green Belt and that the housing targets contained in the SHMA are overflated.

A public consultation is now open for members of the public to have their say on the draft development proposals.

There is no deadline for responses to the draft proposals, but after considering all responses CEG intends to produce a report. It will then refine its plans for a futher round of public consultation in the autumn. So it seems wise to respond as soon as possible!

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OxLEP fails to listen to public concerns over forced economic growth strategy

SEP-02The Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP) has this week published its Report on Responses to the public consultation on the draft Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) Refresh – the document responsible for driving much of the county’s economic growth strategy over the next 15 years.

The Need not Greed Oxon coalition is concerned that the OxLEP Report does not adequately address the concerns expressed by the majority of respondents to the consultation over the scale of planned growth for Oxfordshire.

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Update on OxLEP consultation on SEP Refresh

generic-news-2Thank you to everyone who responded to the online consultation on the SEP Refresh!

As yet, we have no idea how many people responded or how many people objected to the overall growth forecasts in the SEP.

So, what happens now?

According to the SEP Refresh Timetable (see link below), the preparation period for the consultation LEP responses document was 27 May to 10 June and the SEP Steering Group is due to meet next week on 13 June.

On 20 June, OxLEP is due to publish the LEP responses to the consultation and on 25 June the second draft SEP Refresh is to be submitted.

We eagerly await sight of the LEP responses document so we can see to what extent OxLEP will take on board our concerns.

We are particularly concerned about appropriate scrutiny of how OxLEP handles and reports back on all the responses. With a local Council consultation, all of these would be visible online so you could see how many there had been, what was said and by whom. In this consultation, we are completely in the dark. We are doing all we can behind the scenes to ensure appropriate and accurate reporting.

Going forward, the SEP Steering Group are scheduled to discuss the second draft on 29 July, with the final SEP Refresh, including branding, to be completed sometime in August.

The final draft is to be agreed and ratified by the LEP Board in September, with the SEP 2016 to be launched in September/October.

As soon as it is published, we will post the LEP responses document on our website.

See the SEP Refresh Timetable.

Need not Greed Oxon has responded to the OxLEP public consultation on the SEP Refresh – Have you?

generic-news-2The Need not Greed Oxon coalition has today submitted its response to the OxLEP public consultation on the SEP Refresh.

Have you?

You have until 27th May to do so!

Read the NNGO response to OxLEP public consultation on SEP Refresh May 2016 (PDF).

If you don’t have much time and just want to make a quick response, see our (shorter) suggested responses: Need not Greed Oxon A4 Leaflet April 2016.

REMEMBER: If you have difficulty using the OxLEP online response form, you can simply email your response to: info@oxfordshirelep.com

This may be your last opportunity to make your voice heard on the future growth of Oxfordshire!

Please respond to public consultation on SEP Refresh by 27 May – Here’s how!

SEP-02NNGO is encouraging people to engage in the OxLEP online public consultation on the SEP Refresh and to express their own views to OxLEP.

*Deadline has been extended to: 27 May 2016*

OxLEP state that they seek that Oxfordshire’s economy is recognised to be inclusive, “a place in which all residents – irrespective of age, gender, or ethnicity – have a real stake in determining the county’s future economic narrative and contributing fully to it.” (SEP consultation draft p.9)

This is your opportunity to make your views known!

NNGO has produced some notes to outline specific areas of concern that you might find useful in drafting your own responses.

See ‘NNGO – Public Consultation SEP Refresh May 2016‘ (PDF).

If you have limited time, we suggest you respond to Question 7, and simply call for:

1. A proper assessment of the impacts of this proposed Strategic Economic Plan,

2. The introduction of more realistic & sustainable targets,

3. Followed by a full consultation,

4. All led by a democratically elected and accountable body.


The website will not accept a response to Question 7, unless you respond to all the other questions! You can however answer Questions 1 – 6 with a full stop (the system seems to be happy with this!).

DON’T FORGET – if you have any problems using the online response form, you can email your responses to: info@oxfordshirelep.com

Help us to shape the future of Oxfordshire!