Over 400 Woodstock residents turn out to vote against plans for homes

woodstockOn 14 April, 85% of residents polled in Woodstock voted for greenfields on the south-eastern edge of the town to be protected from a controversial development of 1,500 homes.

411 people voted to protect it, while 73 people said they did not want it saved from new homes.

Town councillor Sharone Parnes said of the result: “I’m very pleased that the people of Woodstock had the opportunity to consider their position on this.

“It’s useful to see what people are thinking. It was an inspirational exercise for the community; from the point of the town meeting when they demanded the poll and the way the District Council conducted it with real energy.”

Blenheim Estate, which owns the land proposed for development in Woodstock, and Pye Homes put foward a plan for a development of up to 1,500 homes, which was refused by West Oxfordshire District Council and Cherwell District Council last September.

However, earlier this year, the same developers sent out a leaflet to all residents concerning a proposal to build 280 homes on a smaller site, on land South East of the town.

The poll was held at the Town Hall and was set up by West Oxfordshire District Council. A total of 2,542 ballot papers were issued for the poll, and there was a 484 turnout (19.04 per cent).

What’s next?

Residents are awaiting submission of the 280-homes re-branded planning application which is expected any day now. They are hopeful that the result of the Town Poll will be used to help oppose any inclusion of the site among sites allocated for the development in the West Oxfordshire District Council Local Plan.

See the Official Results.

See the coverage in the Oxford Mail.

To find out more about the Woodstock Action Group email Bob McGurrin at:
