The Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP) has this week published its Report on Responses to the public consultation on the draft Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) Refresh – the document responsible for driving much of the county’s economic growth strategy over the next 15 years.
The Need not Greed Oxon coalition is concerned that the OxLEP Report does not adequately address the concerns expressed by the majority of respondents to the consultation over the scale of planned growth for Oxfordshire.
Need not Greed has today issued a Press Release: ‘OxLEP fails to listen to public concerns over forced economic growth strategy’.
We raise three key areas of concern with the OxLEP Report:
- OxLEP lacks democratic mandate – even from business community
- The SEP Refresh will do nothing to solve the problem of affordable housing
- OxLEP implies there will be no environmental impact on Oxfordshire from the Strategic Economic Plan
Next Steps
During the summer LEP will progress with developing the SEP further in the light of comments received ‘where it is possible to do so’!
On 25 July OxLEP is due to submit the second draft of the SEP Refresh to the SEP Steering Group for discussion and the final draft is to be agreed and ratified by the LEP Board in September, due for launch in October.
See: SEP Refresh Timetable.
A link to the Report on Responses can be found on the OxLEP website.